Hi Nikki

As a New Zealander I would be concerned if Donald Trump was given entry to our country either as a private citizen or as political representative of his country.

1 ) His hate speech, both racism and inciting of violence against minorities, violates both our laws and our proud respect for difference and multiculturalism.

2) The accusations made against Trump by both his first wife and other women, while not proven in court, of domestic violence and sexual abuse are of concern given his public support of Mike Tyson and Roger Ailes. Furthermore in the case of Ailes Trump has actively engaged in victim blaming and shaming. His sexist and derogatory attitudes towards women are offensive and circumstantial evidence of his disrespect for women. This behaviour would be unacceptable from any New Zealand politician or public official and endorsement of Trump by allowing him entry would put into our question our efforts to eliminate domestic violence.

3) His isolationism and recent verbal attacks on NATO, France and Germany create a sense of uncertainty about the resolve of democratic countries to defend themselves against totalitarian countries and groups. His uniformed attacks on Islam give terrorists more inducements to recruit vulnerable youth not just in the EU and USA but here in Australasia.

If he was granted entry to New Zealand this may put our country and our citizens at risk of reprisals from terrorist groups or individuals inspired by terrorist causes.

4) His denial of global warming and desire to cancel treaties to address unwanted climate change put our children at risk of a future climate that has been scientifically predicted to cause the death of millions. Not a direct threat to our security in the near future but a long term threat that is far more likely than problems caused by nuclear armed or powered ships.

I appreciate the political reality and the need for New Zealand to take a long term view when dealing with our closest allies, and we have hosted leaders of totalitarian regimes such as China. I do think the New Zealand government needs to do something to express its disapproval of a ,potential, political leader who behaves in an irrational way that puts democratic countries at risk. At the very least John Key can decline any invitations to play golf with Trump; I am happy for him to continue playing golf with Obama.

Lets hope Hillary prevails in November; despite her faults and her occasional flexibility with facts she is a woman to admire. I hope that you may one day consider a higher profile leadership role in New Zealand politics.


Bryan Spondre

Camera and keyboard.